And good morning to you too hill. We found out the hard way that the towns along this road lie between the big hills.
To make you understand how serious this hill was there was a runaway truck ramp.
At the top.... more or less.
So at the top of this hill there is a snack and drink shop. We decide to stop and get some engergy bars and drinks to reward ourselves. We go in and leave our bikes laying on the ground. After buying our beverages from our 8 yearold cashire we leave to head down the mountain.
I go to lift my bike of the floor when SNAP my entire rack falls backward. MY FREEKING RACK BROKE AHAGGAAAAAGAGAH
It broke right at the section where it holds it upright to the frame. The metal pice sheared in two pieces. While I am standing there curssing at my stupid rack my mom goes to get a closer look at my rack when POW! My back tire blows out. A lady who was just entering the store turns around and says something real obvious like "boy that was really loud". My sense of humor at this point is non existent.
Woe is me. I HATE HATE HATE bike issues. The tube had a hole split down the side almost 3 inches long. Lesson "DONT USE LIGHTWEIGHT RACE TUBES FOR YOUR REAR TOURING WHEEL"
While I was learning lessons and replacing tubes my mom goes back into the store to find stuff to fix my rack with. She comes out with yellow rope stuff. And 10 minutes later tada fixed.
And we are off.
So this is why they call this road scenic
She eats hills TOO!
This was the second big hill of the day. Only this one had something worthwhile at the top. 100 Mile view as it was called.
At the bottom nd a little ways was our destination, Brattleboro Vermont. My mom was looking for a college friend who had lived there.
This was a cool little bridge near the entrance of the town.
After some asking around we found the street that my mom had as an dress. In the end after looking around the neighborhood we discovered that my mom's friends had moved a month ago to India.
It was getting kind of late so we decided to have dinner and stay in town. We ate at this nice Italian place. I saw a record store across the street so I went to take a look.
I didn't buy this but I thought the cover was appropriate as well as awesome.
I did end up getting these.
All in all a pretty good day I would say.
40 Miles Route 9 Vermont
With antecedents;_With my fathers and mothers, and the accumulations of past ages: With all which, had it not been, I would not now be here, as I am; With Egypt, India, Phoenicia, Greece, and Rome;_With the Kelt, the Scandinavian, the Alb, and the Saxon;_With antique maritime ventures,--with laws, artisanship, wars, and
journeys;_With the poet, the skald, the saga, the myth, and the oracle; With the sale of slaves--with enthusiasts--with the troubadour, the
crusader, and the monk;_With those old continents whence we have come to this new continent; With the fading kingdoms and kings over there;_With the fading religions and priests;_With the small shores we look back to from our own large and present
shores;_With countless years drawing themselves onward, and arrived at these years; You and Me arrived--America arrived, and making this year;_This year! sending itself ahead countless years to come.
O but it is not the years--it is I--it is You;_We touch all laws, and tally all antecedents;_We are the skald, the oracle, the monk, and the knight--we easily include
them, and more;_We stand amid time, beginningless and endless--we stand amid evil and good; All swings around us--there is as much darkness as light;_The very sun swings itself and its system of planets around us: Its sun, and its again, all swing around us.
As for me, (torn, stormy, even as I, amid these vehement days;) I have the idea of all, and am all, and believe in all;_I believe materialism is true, and spiritualism is true--I reject no part.
Have I forgotten any part?_Come to me, whoever and whatever, till I give you recognition.
I respect Assyria, China, Teutonia, and the Hebrews;_I adopt each theory, myth, god, and demi-god;_I see that the old accounts, bibles, genealogies, are true, without
exception;_I assert that all past days were what they should have been; And that they could nohow have been better than they were,_And that to-day is what it should be--and that America is,_And that to-day and America could nohow be better than they are.
In the name of these States, and in your and my name, the Past, And in the name of these States, and in your and my name, the Present time.
I know that the past was great, and the future will be great, And I know that both curiously conjoint in the present time, For the sake of him I typify--for the common average man's sake--your sake,
if you are he;_And that where I am, or you are, this present day, there is the centre of
all days, all races,_And there is the meaning, to us, of all that has ever come of races and
days, or ever will come.
rt. 9 is a great road...I've never ridden it, but I've driven it many times in the winter to get to Prospect Mtn for ski races
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