Friday, August 15, 2008

Day 4 10/13

Time to leave Albany. Well not even Albany. We were in Colonie. We rode 4 or 5 miles in the wrong direction down these really f'ed up roads to find a Super 8. Since then I have decided no more Super 8s especially if they are 5 miles in the wrong direction. That being said I was happy to finally get out of Albany and out of this state.

I was running out of clean clothes so today was laundry day of sorts.

Crossing the bridge out of Albany. Look how happy she is.

The Hudson.

Its crazy how much of the sky you can see when there are no buildings around. Beautiful.

So my mom needed to stop for some provisions and a bathroom we saw this place by the side of the road. Perfect we thought. We get there and it has all these flags that say Vermont and the name of the rest stop itself is "Vermont Village". I was all like "woah we are in Vermont already.... i didn't see any sign.??" She was more interested in finding a bathroom. Of course the main cafe was closed, you know Wednesdays. After she got back she confirmed to me that this was still New York. What the hell we are 20 miles from the border. People are crazy.

I think it was a reservoir of some sort but look at the water and how the clouds reflect off of it. Again beautiful.

OH-FREEKING-LAY!!! You find the coolest stuff on the side of the road. I got so many positive "beep beep"s from the hat, its crazy. If you want to be noticed ride a bike and wear a sombrero.

I was going to leave the hat on the "Welcome To Vermont" sign but i was MISSING. So I just tossed it up on the poles where is should have been.

And of course, lo and behold, 500 feet up the road there was the sign. Ahhh well.

Wait what??? What is an Obelisk doing in Vermont?

We stopped in Bennington a really nice little town with a nice little coffee shop. We had dinner at this old Brewery, it was real nice. Except there were all these statues of realistic looking people doing realistic looking things all over the town. It was kinda creepy since more than once I thought that these statues were real people only to discover that they weren't. Here are a couple.

42 Miles Route 7 to 9 Vermont East


Luke S said...

Hey man, you are one crazy dude! Coming from a fellow Colby first-year, endurance athlete and wannabe MTBer...

Keep up the good work, and hopefully I'll meet you on the 26th!

Elaine H. said...

Thanks for the morning laugh -- sombrero will travel! Already to Vermont -- congratulations!

Unknown said...

Day 4 is in play
Passing through
people of clay,
On to the next glorious fray
Hats of many you lay
Weirdsvilles you avoid a stay
To the hills you say, 'nay'
All in a day
for Cosme.

Unknown said...

That picture of you in the sombrero, grinning ear to ear, was the highlight of my day. I can't believe you've already set out and are already so close to Vermont. Get to Colby in one piece!! I can't wait to see you there, homie :D

Álvaro A. Almonte said...

Cosme vas rapido!!!!!!! hahahahah nice Sombrero, just the kind of sombrero that we use here hummmmmm not!!!! hahahahhaha Saludos a Teresa!!!! keep going with that big aventure.... Good Luck see you soon

Anonymous said...

This is really cool... I assume you won't be doing the road biking COOT, hah. But seriously, it's amazing that you did this and the pictures are great. Get to Colby in one piece, hopefully we'll meet in the fall.